In november has been published in France Feed, 1st novel of a trilogy around Zombie and survival; we follow two young people Georgia and Shaun… We want to get some additional information and I want to thank Mira for having accepted to answer our questions. You will find the french translation here:
Allan : Hello Mira, can you introduce yourself to your French readers as we discover your book recently in France?
Mira: Hello! I’m Mira Grant; I write science fiction books with medical themes; I love horror movies and comic books and forensic epidemiology, and I’m looking forward to visiting France for the very first time in 2014, when I come over to go to Disneyland.
I read that you have made studies on terrible subjects like horror movies and viruses ; what drives a young girl like you to those interests?
I was very scared of getting sick when I was younger, and when I realized that, I started studying diseases to better understand them. The more I understand, the more fascinating they are, and the less terrifying they are. They’re still going to kill us all one day, but I will be fascinated while they do.
The Zombie is currently in the air time. Do you have any idea why people love Zombies?
Zombies represent a lot of things to a lot of people; they’re a truly flexible monster. You can make them say anything you want, without the fixed preconceptions of our older enemies. The zombie is to the modern day as the vampire was to the 1800s.
The 1st book of your trilogy, Feed, has been published in France at the end of 2012. How do you feel when you learn that it will be translated?
I was thrilled. I love love love seeing my books spread around the world, finding a new audience…infecting. It’s like I’ve become a fascinating virus!
When I read it, I was quite surprise because I think I will read a book on Zombies but in fact, the Zombies are not finally the center of the novel… Do you agree with that?
I do. The zombies were there to be the symptom of the sickness, not the true cause, and I think that worked out very well.
In fact, due to the Zombies, the way to get informed has totally changed. We see that blogs are more accurate on the information than the “official” press. And, if we take some example on the recent events (Syria, …), it’s not so far from our reality. Do you think that, like in your novel, the information communicated by blogs, social network, … could replace traditional press?
Only if we get a better system of checks and balances into place. Right now it’s very easy for the online press to become an echo chamber very quickly, and that can be dangerous. I get most of my news online, but I also do a lot of research to try and make sure I have my facts straight.
In France, we have as I said earlier only the 1st prt of your story and I was very surprised to see the end of this first part. I imagine that you don’t want readers to anticipate the end and so, that we must not attached ourselves to your character?
I am very attached to all my characters. I want people to love them like I do. No matter what that means at the end of the book.
Political and especially presidential election is the backstory in which Georgia and Shaun are involved; those two characters are young but are more honest than most of the people they met.
Sadly, I think that’s a political reality. When my job depends on my agreeing with ten different people all saying different things, it’s very hard to be honest.
When we read your book, and especially around Georgia and Shaun’s parents, we have the feeling that nothing is real, people are “Fake” and only want to act for themselves. Is it the opinion you have on people? Every man for himself?
No; I think that people are very good, at heart, and are capable of big, wonderful, amazing things. But I also think that it can be easy to fall into the trap of only thinking about your needs, in the moment, and not the needs of those around you. That’s a danger that everyone human has to struggle against. Love matters more, I think. At the end of the day, love matters more.
I know that the 2nd volume is already published (not yet in France), have you already a target date planned for the last one?
The last book, Blackout, is already out in the United States and United Kingdom!
Have you any other novel in idea?
I have a new book, Parasite, coming out in the US/UK this November. And I write a lot under my real name, Seanan McGuire.
As it was the new year, all the Fantastinet’s Team wish an happy new year. What are your wishes for this new year?
I hopeto write a lot, see a lot, do a lot, and go to as many Disney Parks as possible.
The last word is for you:
Thank you all so much for reading. It means the world to me.
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